This page has links to the websites of other organisations that work on the child abuse issue, as well as personal websites and blogs created by survivors. For a more detailed and comprehensive listing, please go to the Askios e-group or visit the blog 'Askios Directory'.

On this page:
Survivors Websites
Survivors Blogs
Organisations in India
Organisations around Asia

Survivors' Websites:

Dancing In The Darkness

Escaping Hades

Gentle Touch's Web

Help 4 Trauma

Keepers' Korner

Poetry Pal's Sexual Abuse Recovery website


Susan Smiles

Whites of Their Lies

Survivors' Blogs:


A Life of Triggers

Blooming Lotus

Child Abuse Recovery Journal

Child Abuse Survivor

Dancing Through Doorways

Heal and Forgive

JewBu Quest: From Abuse to Happiness

Mirror Mask

Monsters in the Closet

"Mrs. D" 4 Breaking the Silence

My Clouds, My Storms and Multiple Personality Disorder

Sadly Normal Blog

Sanctuary for The Abused

Scarecrow Child

Sorting It Out

Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker

Survivors Can Thrive!

The Survivor Archives

The Survivor Manual

Victorya Chase Goes to Therapy

Zada Knows

Websites and blogs that specifically deal with male survivors of child abuse are listed on the Male Survivors page.

My favourite warriors:

Alice Miller

Andrew Vachss

Paulo Coelho

Organisations in India:

Arpan (Bombay)

Enfold (Bangalore)

FACSE (Bombay)

RAHI (Delhi)

Tulir (Madras)

Tulir blog

Organisations around Asia:

Be Free Center (Bahrain)

Breaking The Silence (Bangladesh)

Sahil (Pakistan)